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George Heriots

Edinburgh, UK

Running since: 


26 September 2023

Every Tuesday

Our Route

We depart Charwood carpark at 7.50am. We will cross the road when it is safe to do so and
proceed down the A702 using the protected bike lane all the way to Greenbank Terrace where we
will join the main road. We will turn right off the main road along Greenbank Place (while
Braidburn Terrace is closed for works) and left along Braidburn Crescent, before turning left and
briefly following Braid Road. We will turn right off Braid road, onto Braid Crescent, following the
road markings left along Hermitage Gardens and right along Corennie Drive. We will turn left down
Braid Avenue, through the modal filter, crossing Cluny Gardens at the lights and continuing along
Braid Avenue as it becomes Woodburn Terrace. We will then turn right onto Canaan Lane,
following Canaan Lane left before the Astley Ainslie entrance, through the modal filter, and
regrouping at the top of Canaan Lane to turn right onto Newbattle Terrace. We will then turn left
onto Whitehouse Loan, following Whitehouse loan all the way to the top of Bruntsfield Links,
where we will turn right at the pedestrian/cyclist crossing, following the cycle path down the links
until Argyle Place, where we will turn left and then cross at the lights onto Middle Meadow Walk.
We will turn left just after at the shops/cafes on Middle Meadow Walk and proceed carefully along
the shared use pathway to Nightingale Way, from where we will dismount and proceed on foot
through the pedestrian entrance to the right of the main gates.

To volunteer for this Bike Bus please email: 

Recent Bike Buses

26 September 2023



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